our lady of compassion feast day

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How truly can the words of Holy Scripture be applied to you: "In me is all grace of the way and of the truth: in me is all hope of life and of virtue" (Ecclus 24, 25). Christ is universal King because He rules all creatures by His personal union with the divinity. The Woman is a striking image of you, the Immaculate Conception. Processions and Penitence In Malta, Spain, Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Guatemala, and the Philippines the Friday of Passion Weekthe Friday of Sorrows or Viernes de Dolores is celebrated with. You are above not only patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, and all the saints but even all angels. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Queen of the Apostles because you were the source of their inspiration and zeal. Mary, I beg you to lead me to my Sacramental Jesus! Truly, you are "light-giving" because you have given us Jesus, the Light of the World. I want to be devoted to you by giving myself entirely to you and through you to God. In Jesus there was wrapped up the double love of a mother for her only Child and of the holiest creature for her God. You add a degree of motherly sweetness to the joy of the angels and saints and to the blessed of the Church triumphant. Through prayer may grace fill my soul with the life of God and transform me into a living image of Jesus, just as you were. Mary, My Mother, in all infirmities of body and soul, you are a sure refuge and relief. You became the Mother of a Son who is almighty, eternal and infinite in all perfections, equal to the Father and the Holy Spirit. The seven sorrows are: The prophecy of Simeon (Luke 2:25-35) Only after many years of fervent prayers did God reward them. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Mother of Perpetual Help because of the graces you have at your disposal. Decorate your table with colorful flowers . You obtained that grace for me. When the Holy Spirit descended, you received the richest outpouring of His graces. You saw clearly the agony you would feel at the crucifixion. Then for His sake, be our Help! Mary, My Mother, in your womb, the sanctuary of the living God, Jesus was occupied with the sanctification and government of the world. But I see the relation between you and the Blessed Sacrament above all in your life after Good Friday when you began your new motherhood at the feet of Jesus in the Eucharist. From Anne you heard the touching story of the chosen people. To the Father you present in your Son, an adorer worthy of Him, and adoration and love of infinite value. Having loved your sinful children so much as to sacrifice for them your only Son in His Passion, you loved them to the end by giving them the Holy Eucharist. Teach me to seek all things through your prayers, for your intercession is most powerful and Jesus can refuse you nothing. Hasten the reign of Christ by ruling over all of us, your children. Your blessedness was due to your unexcelled sanctity. 2. 3. He sanctified your marriage with St. Joseph so that it might be an example for all Christian marriages. I have saved my soul.". Mary, Blessed Virgin, full of grace, Queen of all Saints, how consoling it is for me to venerate you under the title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel! This doctrine was received in the early Church and handed down by the Fathers who praised you with extraordinary titles and most important writings. That very same Christ is mine in the Holy Eucharist when I look upon Him as a Victim on our altars, when I kneel before Him as my Friend in the Tabernacle; when I receive Him into my soul as my Guest in Holy Communion. He saved us by offering to the justice of God perfect atonement for our sins. Your faith taught you that the predictions of both were inspired by the Holy Spirit. You had a Heart of love from which in the course of time was to be formed the Sacred Heart of the loving Christ. The more your humility was tried, the more lowly you became in your own estimation. You became a victim and holocaust to the divine will, the Queen of Martyrs, the most perfect imitator of the Victim of Calvary. I should learn from your conduct never to oppose the divine will, even though conformity to it may mean a severe test of my faith. Note: This prayer was approved and enriched with an indulgence of five hundred days by Pope Pius X at all audience held on August 18, 1908, and was included in the official edition of approved indulgenced prayers (1950). May your title of Mother of Divine Providence ever give us confidence that you will never fail us, but will provide for all we need in this present life that we may attain eternal life. Your slightest wish carries with it a powerful appeal. Hence with Holy Church I repeat, "You are all fair, Mary, and the stain of original sin is not in you. The Eternal Father once gave you the most precious treasure that heaven possessedHis own Divine Son. God wants His gifts recognized. Aside from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, no human heart ever loved mankind as deeply as your Heart. It was a life of concealment, and yet Jesus is infinite, the light of the angels and of the whole world. You adored your God incarnate within your chaste womb from the time of the Incarnation to His birth. How often am I confused in the problems of life. All your trials and sufferings are now transformed into jewels that decorate your triumphal throne in Heaven. As the body of your Divine Son was preserved from the corruption of the grave, so you, from whom He took flesh, were also free from the power of earthly decay. Mary, My Mother, your little life held a mystery immeasurably deeper than that of any other human life, since no mind could measure the distance that lay between the chosen Maiden who was not only the servant of the Lord but also His true Mother, and the rest of mankind who were His servants and no more. Clothe me with your own humility. Mary, My Mother, help me to perform all my actions through youto ask through your intercession the graces I need in order to imitate you, and to go through you to Jesus. It was fitting that the God of all purity should spring from the greatest purity. The Heart of Jesus was a pure Heart, symbolized by the light that St. Margaret Mary saw streaming round it. Therefore, you gave your praise to the Creator and Giver of every good and perfect gift. I desire to place under your protection all my efforts in my striving for holiness and all the works of my daily life. Mary, Mother of God, your Immaculate Heart is the Hope of the world. It was fitting that you receive into your holy womb the One who contained all graces. If I have humility, God may flood my soul with grace here and exalt it eternally in heaven. To the Son you give His human nature which allows Him to make full reparation to the honor of His Father outraged by our sins. Feasts of Our Lady Throughout the Year January MONTH of the HOLY NAME 1. God prepared you for this exalted dignity by an extraordinary abundance of His graces, when He chose you to be the instrument of His mercy by making you the Mother of His divine Son. I want to take devotion to you seriously. This apostolic mission is a consequence of your office as Mother, as Co-Redemptrix and as Dispenser of all graces. There is no sinner so spoiled and so mired in vice that you would deny him aid. 1. (1) You prepared in your virginal womb a fit temple for the union of the Son of Godthe Divine Wordwith our human nature. The husband whom God has destined for you was a man of faith of character, of purity, "a just man." If we could not say that you are the Mother of God for having given a body to the Son of God, then we could neither adore this Body; nor would we have been redeemed by the sacrifice of this Body on the cross, nor would we be united to the divinity in receiving this Body in the Eucharist. From all eternity God chose you to be His Mother, and in time He adorned you with every spiritual charm. You heard Simeon's words as if they had been spoken to you by God Himself, "Behold, this child is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, and for a sign that shall be contradicted. You offered Him on the altar of the Crossthe future Eucharistic Christin perfect adoration to the insulted majesty of God, in thanksgiving for all the blessings showered on mankind; in reparation for our sins and in petition for sinners. Jesus is the Son of God by His marvelous and eternal birth "in the bosom of His Father." You also conceived His members who have been born again and are called to incorporation with Him. Your Immaculate Conception permitted you to love God from the first instant of your existence; your virginity led you to vow an undivided love to Him, your fullness of grace made you capable of loving Him with the most intense love possible. Mary, Mother of God, the sorrowful mysteries of your Holy Rosary remind me of the sorrows, the agony and death of the suffering Christ, the price at which the salvation of our race was accomplished. Though declared blessed among women, yet you considered yourself the servant of two of God's beloved children. Help them to become worthy of this blessing through their own prayers and good example. Jesus, not satisfied with having given Himself to all mankind in the Incarnation, wished to become united with each of us in a most intimate manner by means of the Holy Eucharist, for by an unceasing act of love He gives Himself to us in each Consecration and in each Communion. GLADE PARK, Colorado (Catholic Online) - The feast dedicated to "Our Lady of the Rosary" was instituted by Pope Pius V. It was to commemorate the anniversary of the defeat of the Turkish fleet at the battle of Lepanto on the first Sunday in October 1571. God looks for gratitude and humility which draw down upon us His favor and His gifts. Scarcely had you greeted your aged cousin, when mother and son felt at once the sanctifying effects of your loving presence. On November 27, 1830, the Blessed Virgin appeared to St. Catherine Labour in her Daughters of Charity convent in Paris, asking that a medal be cast according to the pattern which Our Lady displayed, and promising that all who wear this medal will receive great . There the poor find aid; the sick and needy, remedy, the afflicted, consolation; the doubting, counsel; the distressed, help. Your Heart is also a generous Heart, full of love, abounding in mercy. In consecrating your virginity to God, you had given up all hope of becoming the Mother of the Messias because you considered yourself unworthy of the highest honor of the divine maternity. 3. 1. 1. Figures below show what proportion of half-day sessions were missed by pupils and how this compares to local and national averages. Devotion to you brings with it sweetness and consolation for the soul. May my life thus become a copy of your own life especially during this time of your expectation! Your loving Son welcomed you with joy. I breathe the name of one who is virgin and mother, Mother of God and Mother of men, my Mother. Feast, September 12 (Triduum, September 9-11). Mary, Mother of God, how sacred was the life of Jesus in your womb while you awaited His coming! I believe with the Church that from the great treasury of graces that Jesus has merited for us, nothing comes to us, by the will of God. All rights reserved. It is through you that I am able to eat the Bread of Heaven even every day. You were the first to offer to the Eternal Father His Divine Son as the Victim for the world's Redemption. Because I am arrogant, it makes me rebel against God's law, the law forbidding me that abuse of liberty which insults Him. In you I behold the charm of the purest of virgins, the majesty of the noblest of mothers. After your example, I desire to be known to God and unknown to men, to possess God and to be forgotten by creatures. In Bethlehem you first adored Him in His visible presence as He lay in all His helplessness before your joyful eyes. Copyright 2023 Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. Irondale, Alabama. I am unworthy of that. And thy own soul a sword shall pierce " Since you were enlightened by the Scriptures, you realized that your Child would be contradicted and utterly rejected by the Jews, who had, for forty centuries, unceasingly sighed for Him as a Savior. Amen! Mary, My Mother, I wish to offer myself as a sacrifice to God in union with Jesus and through your hands. May they consider it to be the greatest privilege bestowed upon them by God to dedicate their sons and daughters to His holy service. Mother Mary - Our Lady of Compassion - Feast Day. As wax melts before fire, so do the devils lose their power against those souls who remember to speak your name and devoutly invoke it. Mary, My Mother, your apparition at Guadalupe as the Immaculate Conception is your only recorded appearance in North America. Though receiving all you obtain through Jesus Christ, because you pray and ask for it in the Name of Jesus, yet whatever graces we receive, come to us through your intercession. I shall be blessed if I imitate you in bearing my cross till death. You lighten our sufferings, you obtain for us bodily health when it is conducive to our salvation and you help the soul to conquer its spiritual enemies; Teach me to be more earnest about seeking health of soul: to overcome my ruling passion, to free myself from the occasions of sin. But with the same humility with which you had conceived Him, you consented to the supreme loss of your God. Now you realize human misery more fully and, therefore, show your mercy and compassion and help more generously. Grant that following your good counsel, I may avoid sin, practise virtue, save my soul and attain eternal life. . I beg you to ask God that I return His love with some of the generosity and fervor with which you loved Him. Mary, My Mother, may the faithful recitation of my Rosary show my gratitude to Jesus for having redeemed me on the cross and for having given you to me as my spiritual Mother. It is the will of God that His aid should reach me through your heart, because you are my Mother, and motherliness means willingness to help. You brought forth Jesus, your First-born, without pain; but in giving birth to your second-born, what agony did you not have to endure? Mary, Mother of God, your Heart is a counterpart of the Heart of Jesus. 1. With her you loved to sing the psalms and canticles of the inspired authors of your nation. They had seen Adam created in grace, and John the Baptist, spotless from his birth, because he had been cleansed from original sin before birth. Since the conception of the Son of God is all holy, all pure, infinitely removed from every appearance of sin, it was supremely fitting that your conception should be equally far from sin. We take a look at the story behind the indigenous peasant who came across the Patron of the Americas, and how he fought for her message to be heard. You formed His feet, to search after and seek us as a Good Shepherd, His hands to heal us and to be pierced for us; and His shoulders to carry the cross. Refuge of sinners, do not turn us away when we entreat you. 2. But I want to be loved by you even more; hence, give me an ever growing love for you. Mary, Mother of God, how wonderful was your own interior life as you carried the Son of God in your womb and awaited His coming! You commanded Him and He obeyed. At the Crib, you were the first ostensorium of your Son, showing Him to the shepherds, to the Magi and to the world. Bless the work of those who spend themselves to bring souls to your loving Son. Filled with deep humility, and yet on fire with desire to unite yourself still more closely to God, you abandoned yourself entirely to the Divine will and answered, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word" (Luke 1, 38). 2. I have but to ask for them for the salvation of my soul. The Gospel speaks of you as standing beneath the cross. Your aid at the hour of my death will be for me a guarantee of salvation if through life I have sought to imitate the beautiful example of your life. Parting with your dying Son was the height of your sorrow. During your Son's public ministry you seldom appeared, because this was the prudent thing to do on account of your close relationship to the Redeemer. While you bore the Author of all things in your womb, and your heart was beating quickly with love, adoration and longing, still your face told nothing of this, and no one knew that such marvellous things were taking place in you. At your request He worked the first miracle of His public life. 3. In becoming His Mother, you became ours. Though it was out of sheer goodness that God decreed to give us His very Son in the Blessed Sacrament, I believe that your prayers had much to do with the carrying out of that plan; for you, too, must have prayed, "Give us this day our daily bread." God has made you Queen and Protectress of the Church. Tuesday, December 12, 2023 - 12:00am. How consistent with the infinite tenderness of God that His Christ, the Immortal Child, should be conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the body of a young virgin and that a virgin should bear a Child to redeem the world. But because of my sinfulness, I also have need of an intercessor with Him. 16, 24). As Mother of God you surpass, in an immeasurable degree, all other creatures, angels and men. April 16 - 23,2023. This posture is not the one usually describing a mourner who is affected with only human grief. 3. He wished to adapt Himself to our nature by giving us life and aid through the heart of a mother, having placed in your heart some of His own love for mankind to make you the spiritual Mother of the redeemed. Your directions to the waiters: "Do whatever He tells you" (John 2, 5), show that you regarded your Son's answer as a striking sign of His special love for you. On this occasion you bore your share of the penalty allotted to woman: "In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children.". When you lived in this valley of tears, you were ever loving and merciful toward the afflicted. I come to you with confidence, knowing that through you all glory, honor and holiness given to the human race from the first Adam to the last ages has been granted, is being granted and will be granted to apostles, prophets, martyrs and all the just. Mary, My Mother, the Heart of Jesus was a generous Heart, symbolized by the wound in His side from which came forth the last drops of His Heart's Blood shed for us, and by which w e can reach the treasures of that Divine Heart. When the Triune God destined and elevated you, a mortal Virgin, to the dignity of Mother of the Redeemer, the Father had to endow you with a fullness of perfection suitable for such a dignity. Mary, Mother of God, because of your influence in obtaining helpful remedies against spiritual and bodily maladies, the Church calls you the "Health of the Sick." Through your hands I offer myself with Jesus during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. When He changed the water to wine, He did your bidding as God, since as man He could not perform miracles. No one could have had a closer approach to God than you, for it is impossible for any creature to be closer to God's Son than His own Mother. Had the angel said you were the most wicked sinner in the world, your wonder would not have been so great, as it was at the sound of his praises. pray for me! Mary, Mother of God, I believe what Holy Mother Church teaches about your Immaculate Conception: that from the first moment of your conception you possessed justice and holinessthat is sanctifying grace, even the fullness of grace, with the infused virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit, and with integrity of nature; yet you remained subject to death and other pains and miseries of life that your Son Himself willed to undergo. From the cross Jesus gave you to me to be my Mother, and I was entrusted to your care as your child. 2. And now as Mother of God and Mother of men, and as Queen of Heaven and Earth, you serve as a bond between God and men. I also believe that grace is a free gift of God, and I have no claim to it except as a member of His holy Church, which is the mystical body of Christ. I cannot have Jesus for my Brother if I do not have you for my Mother. May the Rosary also be a means of obtaining all the graces I need for the sanctification and salvation of my soul. Our Lady of Consolation, Saturday after the Feast of St. Augustine (Aug. 28) Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sept. 8 The Most Holy Name of Mary, Sept. 12 Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sept. 15 Our Lady of Mercy (Our Lady of Ransom), Sept. 24 Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Oct. 7 Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Oct. 11 2. You have become all things to all men; you have opened your Heart to all that all may receive of your generosity: the imprisoned, freedom, the sick, health, the afflicted, consolation; the sinner, pardon; and God, glory. When the hands and feet of Jesus were pierced with nails, the sound of each blow of the hammer inflicted a wound in your Heart.

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our lady of compassion feast day