humblewood subclasses

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Choose one of these subraces.Grove Cervan As a grove cervan, you are swift and agile, able to quicklymaneuver out of harms way. Don't think there are currently stats for a +2 bar stool. 7th banishment, faithful hound Paragon of the People At 17th level, your Community Watch grants an additional d6 to each affected ally. It is up to you whetheryou embrace your position of privilege, or rebel against theconstraints thrust upon you by cervan society. Your connection to the Great Rhythm isto see and hear you. As part of your attack action, you can utter deadly threats to a single target within 30 feet of you, causing them to become frightened of you for 1 minute on a failed Wisdom saving throw. I regularly use Strength (Intimidation) with a Minotaur character on the basis that they are using their physicality rather than words to intimidate (mostly just looming over things, cracking knuckles, crushing things that are disconcertingly close to the size ofa human's head etc.). powered flight, the strong hollow bones and lightweight bodies of birdfolk allow them to easily use their feathered arms toTHE BIRDFOLK glide, and unless severely encumbered, all birdfolk can recover gracefully from what would otherwise be a deadly fall. 2023 Wizards. You can speak, read, and write Bird-folk. . while in conditions of magical or nonmagical darkness. making it a perfect starting point for new players. Follow our Twitter! Any additional dice added to the attacks damage roll are not affected by this ability. You cannot glide while wearing heavy armor, or if youcommon good. Either way, the future of the Wood is yours to write. . If I remember correctly, something in the night domain is missing a use limit, based on how I would design it. You may spend 10 minutes to craft thesepeoples. (Lawful)3 Egotism. They seem quite strong to me, maybe too much so. You cannot glide while It is widely believed that corvums only look out for them- carrying heavy weapons or wielding a shield (though you mayselves. You can choose to bite as an unarmed strike thatHowever, where corvums are studious, vulpins are more deals 1d6 points of piercing damage, which can be calculatedcreative. Using your feathered arms, you can slow your gifts are undeniable. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the At 6th level, you have learned how to deepen your pact attacks damage.with the warlock you once met. Maran raptors Humblefolkcould also take visual inspiration from seabirds, notably petrelsor shearwaters, due to their swim speed. The backs of hedges are covered withspiny quills, which makes it impossible for hedges to weararmor. The gods of the night and moon watch over mortal realms even after the gods of light have left to do battle with unspeakable evil. Forexample, a vial of acid might be easy to make if you happento be near a nest of acidic beetle larvae, or bark can be boundinto a makeshift flask, but it would be difficult to create apassable facsimile of silken robes from a pile of leaves. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.they are not very strong, brave, or powerful on their own. Choose one of these subraces.Maran Raptor As a maran raptor, you are as at home in thewater as you are in the trees. Maguire Tree Care Inc in Moss Beach, CA | Photos | Reviews | 8 building permits. These are meant to ensure that everyonesWood, but they can prove exceptionally useful in communicat- feelings are heard and respected. A jerbeens home can containseveral generations, including extended family and cousinsliving together under one roof. Alignment. This has grantedhedges special magical gifts, such as the ability to speak withthe smallest ground-dwelling creatures in the Wood, andthe power to cause flowers to bloom. When I lived in Los Angeles, I began rescu- ing pigeons because they were everywhere, forgotten pets of colonists and invasive to the habitat they lived in. Like this book? Cervans who have seen visions in this proficiency in one of the following skills: Athlet-way are known as The Sighted, and after ics, Medicine, Nature, or Survival.this initial event, some will suddenly findthemselves receptive to visions of the past,present, and future.22 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodSurge of Vigor. Spurred by personal interests and flights of it naturally.fancy, lumas lean towards chaotic alignments. Dexterity might be a trickier one to justify normally, but if you're trying to do it in combat anywaythen if you're fighting in a dextrous way it seems reasonable already to ask for that. It is said that this is a main contributing Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.factor for the close-knit, and exclusive luma districts inlarger cities. He enjoys collecting comics, records, and wins in Samurai Shodown. The College of the Road of your choice (see Travelers Trick Options).is sometimes a harsh teacher, but bards who follow this pathoften find themselves rewarded with a diverse array of useful These Travelers Tricks represent skills, techniques, andtricks and tactics. Otherwise, they retaina rather rough, cobbled-together appearance.You can also use scroungecraft to repair brokenequipment, provided you have the materialson hand. Though a1 Adversity. Ability Score Increase. You cant use this feature again until you have completed a long rest. One of the least understood and most often empathizing with others means they are only rarely goodvilified humblefolk in the Wood, vulpins have earned a bad aligned. Some respond to the dangersoutside their community by becoming insular and fearing allnon-jerbeens. Battle your way throughcaustic slimeswhose touch is a deadly acid,sticky slimesthat can suck a weapon right out of your hand, and the rareshifting slimeswhich feed on magical energies to become ever stronger. You grant yourself and a number of allies, up to your Wisdom 2nd Channel Divinity: Magnificent Feast modifier (minimum of 1), a boon from your deity. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1 round). Alignment. garrisons in times of crisis, and the birdfolk militias keeping the roads safe for merchant caravans, the Wood truly entered aTHE HUMBLEFOLK golden age. with this moniker.Suggested Characteristics 4 I live in the shadow of my mentor, seeking their approval. While doing so, you continue to fall gentlydistrusted because they behave the way they do, or if they at a speed of 60 feet per round, taking no fall damage whenbehave the way they do because they are distrusted. You canselect your bandit specialty from the Bandit Specialty table, or Those who have chosen to leave the Coalition behind haveroll randomly. Choose one of these subraces. You can seewrong ones, deadly enemies. Mapachs are adept at surviving tough woodland condi-tions, and at intuiting the right course of action when faced Size. Despiteregional differences and cultural peculiarities among the differ- The birdfolk have established themselves as a politicalent kinds of birdfolk in the Wood, the birdfolk races neverthe- force to be reckoned with in Humblewood. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. Ability Score Increase. Cervans like to antlers or buds visible on their heads, only rarely is a cervanpursue skills independently in order to give themselves a sense born who can grow a full set of antlers. ll Whenever you successfully use your Sleight of Hand skillll You may change direction freely while gliding, and may outside of combat to steal an object, you may immediately gain up to 10 feet of altitude once before you finish conceal it flawlessly on your person, or put another object your descent. Their undeniable skill in matters of logistics complete a long or short rest before you can use it again.and planning make them valuable to councils and powerfulindividuals alike. Additionally, a Luma immediately gains access to any any cantrip from the Sorcerer spell list, allowing a character to gain a synergistic spell they may not have previously had access to. You learned from a hardened barbarianan action to make a Strength (Athletics) check against your that sometimes you have to charge into combat with no regardTravelers Trick save DC. Over time, birdfolk culture spread, and the capital city of Alderheart became the most politically influential place in the Wood. When I was young, the films and books I devoured with the most enthusiasm were the ones thatappealed to audiences both young and old, whose characters may happen to be adorable woodlandanimals, but still bravely explored a mosaic of complex, confronting themes that we continue to puzzleover well into our adult years. At 14th level you can select a second favorite trick from among Travelers Tricks you know.36 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodTravelers Trick Options At 14th level you have learned to shore up any weaknesses in your stance. Age. If the first target chosen has too many Bonus Proficiencyhit points to be affected, the spell will instead target the nextcreature you have chosen that the spell could affect before When you choose this Martial Archetype at 3rd level, youaffecting other targets. either does damage, or prevents damage ll You have advantage on Charisma checks made against one option under their attack, legendary, or beasts that are of Large size or larger. Here familiar beasts grow to unusual sizes, bearing markings and patterns unique to the Wood. I wont tolerate anyone who insults me or5 my friends. Only they can quell the raging flames that have been unleashed upon the land, and restore balance to the realm. to do so when you finish a long rest. It is a politetake the time to learn. Telling their stories is just as important as telling our own, and helps us connect to and have compassion for the other creatures on our planet. Number 4 - The Circle of Dreams. Religion in the Wood 54 Bandits Attack 110 Finding the Necromancer 156The Amaranthine 54 Taking the Fight to Them 113 Susan the Seer 161 56 The Coming Storm The Crucible of Fire 162 Ardea 57 Approaching the 114 The Final Summons 167 Tyton 58 114 The Chase 169 Altus 59 Bandit Stronghold 115 Facing the Aspect 172 Clhuran 60 The Bandit Stronghold 117 Epilogue 174 Gesme 61 The Courtyard 117 Appendix A: Bestiary 177 Hanera 62 The Barracks 117 Reya 63 The Storeroom 118 Appendix B: Nonplayer Characters 190 Cairith 64 The Prison 120 Gaspard 65 The Inner Keep 122 Appendix C: Creating NPCs 210 Hath 66 The Bandit Leader Henwin 67 What the Future May Hold Appendix D: New Magic Items 213 Kren 68Tales of the Amaranthine Appendix E: Random Encounters 215 Appendix F: What did They Find? others affect me. 6 I am burdened with responsibility, and find it hard to make even the simplest decisions.8 I remain humble despite my blessing.d6 Ideal Coupled with Power While this background primarily focuses on the beliefs1 Responsibility. Another race of birdfolk, Raptors resemble birds such as eagles and hawks, and they have access to the glide ability like all forms of birdfolk. repetition in i felt a funeral, in my brain When someone performs ayou choose, although you cannot choose to move upwards, Wisdom (Insight) check against you, they have disadvantagelanding in the space you finish your movement. If your path is ever blocked by an obstacle that but think of a way to steal it. Source Materials: Players Handbook, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, Sword Coast Adventurers Guide, Dungeon Master Guide, Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, Eberron: Rising from the Last War, Unearthed Arcana, Humblewood, Tal'dorei Campaign Guide (and other Matt Mercer content). Speed. In gallus check related to the history of your race, culture, or commu-culture, it is customary to always offer your seat at a table to nity, you are considered proficient in the History skill and addguests. Choose from: kind. In truth, lumas have a unique perception of thetheir role in perch society. Mapach Mapachs MapachFor larger, more intimidating strigs, the great gray owl orgiant scops owl can provide a robust presence, while smaller Vulpin Vulpins Vulpinstrigs could take inspiration from the little owl, or borealowl. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Natures balance, though, can be disrupted by a single spark. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 25a I shall reclaim the Gasparian Isles and return my family to their homeland - Pico Piante, Swashbuckler Extraordinaire26 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodJerbeen tiny yet brave Jerbeens are small mouse-like folk with long, furred tailsthat help them balance. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 13Gallus one with the wood The gallus commonly dwell in small, familial commu- they also encompass a variety of weights, but most averagenities as opposed to the grand perches of the Wood. One of the stretch goals from the Humblewood Kickstarter that added a new subclass and the Tender faction that you can become a part of. Printed in Canada.Contents Part 3: An Urgent Summons 1231. You understandsubtle social cues the way a hunter understandstheir prey, and youre just as quick to capitalize onan advantage. Moreover, a newly invigorated Bandit Coalition swells in numbers. 5 I accept this honor but have my doubts. Central meeting24 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodNatural Burrowers. Will you answer the call? 1 I am incapable of action when Im at great heights.2 I have learned to not let the comments of 2 I lash out at the slightest insult. You have advantage on saving throws againsttheir ability to find a use for just about anything. Thebirdfolk have hollow bones, reinforced by special internalstructures that act as struts. When falling you can use yourneighbors and promote the common good. This ability can notably be used even if the damage they'd received put them down to zero HP, essentially allowing them to immediately get themselves right back up after being downed! Size. The power ofthe Gods of community is in the security of home and hearth, Channel Divinity: Magnificent Feastand the joy of good company. You are practical and level-headed, Nature. Rules are made to be broken, and the Scofflaw extendsthis logic to their fighting style. You can use it in conjunction with Birdfolk are generally welcoming to other races, but the a regular jump, but not while gliding.gallus are particularly well-known for their willingness to Communal. same as your Bardic Inspiration die. Humblewood is an exciting campaign setting for 5th Edition that includes ten original player races, new monsters, magic items, and a compelling adventure for 1st to 5th level characters. unique perspective.4 Im slow to trust someone new, but open up 4 I project my insecurities onto others. 2 I am devoted to the wind spirits, in action and title. When you reach 6th level, you can see in dim light within120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in magical ornonmagical darkness as if it were dim light. (Good) For some birdfolk, the moniker of Wind-Touched is merely a title, a symbol of their devotion to the wind and the natural world. Additionally, you have advantage onall Charisma checks made to convince someone of yourexceptional knowledge on any topic related to the skill youselected with your learned trait (Arcana, History, Nature,or Religion). Theyare one of the few races who truly understand that conflict is Age. You have a swimming speed of 25 feet. When you react with a readied action,you have advantage on the first attack roll, skillcheck, or ability check you make as a part ofthat action.Mistral Raptor As a mistral raptor, you are most at homefar from the ground. The more compassion we have for animals the better our world will be. You have proficiency in either the Deceptionor Persuasion skill. If an attack deals over half ofyour current remaining hit points in damage, (even if yourhit points are reduced to 0 by the attack) you immediatelyregain hit points equal to 1d12 + your Constitution Modifier.You cant use this feature again until you have completed along rest. Humblewood is home to a variety of beasts whose size, strength, and abilities can only have grown thanks to the Woods magic. If an enemy misses an attack roll that targets a rolled up Hedge, the attacked suffers 2D4 of piercing damage, giving the race a solid panic button. When falling you can use yourof villainous, and they are regularly cast as the antagonists of reaction to spread your arms, stiffen your wing feathers, andany given situation. Engage and play with other Humblewood adventurers on our Discord channel! Only they can quell the raging flames that have been unleashed upon the land, and restore balance to the realm. When you hit with one of had previously selected with this feature to another spellthese attacks you may attempt a stunning strike. Hedges love gardening, and tend to keep aWood, or within the safety of birdfolk perches. Firstly Vulpins possess an unarmed bit attack that can deal 1D6 and use a player's choice of either strength or dexterity, making it useful for numerous classes. Birdfolk is a language of clicks, caws, and whistles. Number 5 - The Circle of Wildfire. If you would like to contact directly at customer service, you can call on this number also 1-888-280-4331. You may notice that the weights for birdfolk races aresignificantly lower than for humblefolk of similar size. Welcome to the Wood 10 3. for your own safety. Your Intelligence score increasesby 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1. They can help us understand and process experiences in our ownlives through an entirely different lens, and they give you a unique kind of freedom to be whoever orwhatever you want to be, options for which there is no shortage in Humblewoodwhether you are asneaky mapach, a brave little strig, or a cunning corvum with a secret heart of gold, the only limit, asever, is your imagination. They make mighty reasonably grip.warriors, and whether defending their perch or braving theWood itself, strigs never shy away from a fight. while climbing. Only you can restore balance to the Wood.8 Introduction1 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 91 Welcome to the Wood the story beginsRaces of the Wood all walks of lifeT he various folk who make up the world of Humble- myths. The World In the world of Everden, nestled between the mighty Crest mountain range and the vast marshes of the Mokk Fields, lies a myst It also details various character creation similarities, all birdfolk possess arms covered in feathers, whichoptions, new class options, backgrounds, feats, and spells to extend into wing-like appendages. Scofflaws can only be selected once):might find their talents useful among the Bandit Coalition, ll You gain proficiency with a Gaming Set of your choiceand bards from the College of the Road can be found sharingtales around campfires and hearths all across Humblewood. Some have completely forsaken their old lives in favor of new ones in undergrowth commu- nities, while others keep ties with family and friends in the perches where they were born.44 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Woodd8 Personality Trait d6 Flaw1 I always second guess my choices. While they notably are resistant to poison, the main appeal of playing a Mapach is their exclusive Scroungecraft ability. Swift. Set up in conclaves around the Wood, they provide aid whenever forest fires strike. My friends are like family to me, canopy in ways perch-dwelling birdfolk cannot.3 and Ill keep trying to do right by them until the end. Along with other weight-reducingadaptations, this allows birdfolk to glide. used to prepare hearty and nutritious meals on the road. When you select thisoption, choose from the following Fighting Styles:ll Archery: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.ll Dueling: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.ll Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. At 18th level the damage dealt by your blindside increases to 9d6. You can speak, read, and write Birdfolk. I just want to be free to live my own life, an outcast. Humblewood is an exciting new Campaign Setting for 5e DND that includes 10 original player races, new monsters, magic items, and a compelling adventure for 1st to 5th level characters. Youand endurance above all, but not necessarily for the purposes cant discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.of combat. Resilience. Decide what your charac- ter believes, or roll on the table below to understand how1 My family has been the subject of ridicule ever they feel.2 since I left my home perch. To this day, it is called the Scorched Grove, an arid field of ash that has since become home to many strange flame-infused creatures. In proportion to the rest of their body,a jerbeens legs are long and powerful. You can speak, read, and write Birdfolk.years. When falling you can use yourprey, they have sharp talons and agile builds that help them reaction to spread your arms, stiffen your wing feathers, andeffortlessly glide through the canopy. (1d4) lb.Gallus 3'4" +3d10 55 lb. by the wind who are destined to soar over any and all obsta- cles. Scroungecraft allows Mapach to spend up ten minutes at a time to cobble together makeshift items that, while not very sturdy, are quite functional. A creature that has total cover from you is not affected. Humblewood is a 5E compatible setting of adorable birdfolk and forest critters, successfully kickstarted in 2019 by folks over at The Deck of Many Things. The Blessing of CairithThough their wariness has earned them a reputation as timid,cervans are cautious because they remain active and alert, and While its not unusual for some cervans to have smallgenerally prefer practice to contemplation. Humblewood Freebies $0.00. The birdfolk are to newly-established birdfolk perches, though many foundwell-defended from outside threats thanks to the Perch Guard, birdfolk architecture to be restrictive for creatures withouta force of soldiers trained in both aerial and ground combat, wings. Simi- Your character is more than just a collection of rules. Guns Blazing! tries to compliment me.7 I will deny my fears to everyone. Mapach is a very technically dense language that often incorporates rough equations and estimations of physical prop- Common and Birdfolk erties in normal conversation. The termhumblefolk is used throughout the Wood to refer to the With the spreading flames, humblefolk villagers petitionednon-birdfolk peoples who live a little closer to the forest floor. Survivor. Shrewd and capable, corvums prefer moralflexibility and are more likely to be neutral than either goodor evil. Others have even left to join the newly reformed Bandit Ages ago, an accord was struck between the people of Coalition, seeing not only a path for survival, but a chancethe forest floor to unite against roving bandits and quell to get even with the perch-dwelling birdfolk for broken oathsthe in-fighting that was wreaking havoc across the Wood. where to cut orchid stem after bloom; how to reuse keratin hair extensions; raf halton medical centre address Your base walking speed is 25 feet.18 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodLanguages. 1 lb.Strig 3'10" +2d10 80 lb. Theycalm and weigh ones options. You have advantage onStealth checks made in dim lightand darkness. you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. 5 I picked up many stories during my time on the road, and I have one for every occasion. Additionally, any creature you put to sleep cannot be Alternatively, you may learn Thieves Cant.woken until the start of your next turn. Vulpins arent innately evil, but their difficultysharp fangs. The Native American stories of the trickster Raven, the Medieval fable of the Owl and the Nightingale, or something as obvious and simple as Grimms Fairy Tales are all examples of how the natural world around us has shaped storytelling. Come and discover the mystery behind all the forest fires, is it the Bandit Coalition or something even more nefarious? Additionally, your Magnificent Feast produces twice as many foodstuffs, each of which can, when consumed, remove a single curse or disease affecting the target (including attunement to a cursed item).9th mass cure wounds, telepathic bond Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 39Night Domain At 8th level, you can see normally in darkness, both magi- cal and nonmagical within 120 feet.

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humblewood subclasses