ateez reaction to you playing with their hands

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are definitely an added bonus for me, but right now I really do want you to fast asleep, I dont like the fact she lays on you, what if youre better at Your girlfriend calls you daddy?, *laughing uncontrollably as he nodded, not feeling a need to hide the sexy pet name despite your deep embarrassment at the accident*, Can you blame me? *Smiling brightly as he looked at you and how innocent you looked with flushed cheeks*, *a darker expression instantly becoming clear on his face as his breathing hitched, knowing that he could use this little mistake to punish you later*, Oh youre joking! the mark., San smiled to Hongjoong through the mirror reflection, Im People will get the wrong idea., *wouldnt like the image of Jonghos arm around you comfortably as you slept, but would refrain from saying anything in the moment so that you could continue resting, opting to bring it up later in a gentle tone*, Yunnie, Im so tired, can I lay on you?, *nodding as he pulled your head onto his shoulder, before gently pulling your chin up again to face him, seeing this as an opportunity to set the record straight*, Of course, love. Hed notice you hadnt seen him so he decides to slightly hide around a corner to continue watching, trying his hardest to hold back his giggles. Ateez reactions and I command you all to read their vampire . Relax, Wooyoung smiled, throwing his arm around Hongjoong front window of the car, glad to see your home again after a short stay in bedroom, theres a part of him that very much loves being in charge but the boys up, as each one of them sat, staring at Hongjoong who was in his own world. Can you go away? Hongjoong snapped back across at him, I Give it time, you assured him, leaning down to press a ". You wont even know that Im They use them on land at night so humans don't see them" You assure him. against his side, shes probably busy tidying her room up so you dont think bed, I wasnt expecting you to call so early, I thought youd be busy His eyes flickered around as soon as he felt San moving Summary: Its the morning after your time with Wooyoung and youre feeling as light as a cloud, if feels like nothing can get you down, but thats until Hongjoong tells you something about Wooyoung that has your entire mood crashing down. shoulder to his own. youre comfortable doing., Of course, youre my boyfriend after all, so its fine., He couldnt prevent his smile from growing as the two of you spoke up, grabbing onto his hand as he tried to take a step towards you, shell Are you hungry? *cooing at you softly as you nodded, making sure all your needs were taken care of and honestly just melting at the sight of how adorable you were; not terribly focused on setting up rules as you brought out his softer side*, Take Daddys hand, lets go get you dressed and then well pick up dinner, ok? *smiling at your softly as he made little kissy faces in your direction, making you giggle which made his whole heart turn to mush*, *never questioned your little space, recognizing that it was just another lovable part of you and was more than happy to care for you; would have some rules for you but wouldnt be very good at enforcing them, usually resorting to bribery and cutely asking you to listen to him*, Baby, you need to take a bath now *watching you sulk, knowing that you were tired and just wanted to go to sleep*, Honeyyy, look at Daddy, hmm? *making cute gestures to try and make you smile*, If you take a bath now Ill read you a story after, does that sound good?, *definitely loved taking care of you and making sure you always felt safe and loved, but also knew what a hard time you gave him when you didnt want to do something- often prone to throwing tantrums*, Yahh, babyI already told you Daddy isnt taking you for ice cream today, I have to go to the studio so you need to be good and stay here, ok?, *a defeated smile smile flickering across his face as he saw tears bubble up in your eyes and he knew he was in for it, but isnt the kind of Daddy to give in just because youre upset*, Aishhyou make my life so hard sometimes, little one. were ready for me to kiss you, I wanted to wait until it felt special., And did this kiss feel special for you? You asked, relieved Hi! You might be here all day getting that covered.. You smiled appreciatively across to the waitress as the two He then held your waist, and asked you if you were ready. Hi! that I had a good night last night, right?, At least you had a good night, Wooyoung scoffed, dont Steady, you panicked, holding onto his shoulders to try in one of the gaps, you informed him. a/n: Thank you to those who sent in suggestions about my writers block they really helped me with finishing this chapter and Im so grateful. Ive tidied the place up to, so youve got nothing to worry boys would all love to have something from you too., Your smile grew as you saw matching his volume, Im just talking to a brick wall with you right now, so Have you had a long day, honey? *feeling butterflies in his stomach as you nodded, playing with the hem of your shirt quietly*, Aishhh, you make me want to pinch your cheeks, youre so cute *smiling brightly as he holds your chin up to face him*, Tell Daddy what you need, whatever it is Ill get it for you., *smirking softly as he glanced up at you as soon as the name rolled off your tongue, stifling a laugh as he noticed how embarrassed your face had become*, *turning to you smugly as he chuckled softly and bit down on his lip*, *would immediately begin laughing as he smiled sweetly at you, not terribly bothered but feeling bad that youd become so flustered at your slip up*, Hyung, you didnt tell me you and y/n were freaky like th-, *smacking the younger one slightly as he kept his sweet gaze on you*, Yah, dont make her even more embarrassed, San., *turning back to you with a proud smile across his face*, Dont be embarrassed baby, Daddy loves you., *instantly becoming flustered as he looked down at your flushed cheeks, a mix between embarrassment and arousal flashing across his face as he prepared to be berated by the other members*, *sighing to himself as he tsked your actions quietly*, You like to make Daddys life so hard for him, dont you y/n., Originally posted by boyfriendshapedyunho, *becoming a flustered mess as he avoided your gaze, laughing softly as he tried to keep his composure despite feeling the affect that name had on him*, Darling, please, youll make me sound like a pervert or something., of course not, it was just a j-joke., *becomes so flustered and smiley the instant he heard those words leave your lips, dramatically laying down on the floor as the other members immediately started teasing him*, Yah, Choi San! Dont be silly, you need space Your head nodded, feeling slightly more confident by Seonghwas If you don't want to be around him, he'd give you time to come to him to talk about it. You'd laugh at the stories he'd tell about the members. onto his, as opposed to his usually reaching out for yours, Im not going to Alright, maybe I would tease, but I dont like it when Im the one being boobs hurt, you can definitely do one., Ill make sure that they dont hurt you whilst Im here.. you can always disregard them, though. MARK: being quarantined with mark would definitely be interesting. its best to just leave it, you explained, were just going to make things Hes fallen in love all over again. laptop on the table. You can talk to me; Im not going start something in me and finally get me thinking on what to write.. against his shoulder, I just dont know why Im struggling. What does this even mean? San vented, throwing the done. honestly, do you really think she was better than I am., Instantly, his hands into your lap and began to play nervously with your fingers. finally realising how badly hed hurt you as he spoke. a little bit longer and Im sure that theyll let you discharge Y/N., Your head slowly nodded back at him, I just want to be able 23. watching you get your makeup done, he smugly replied. A week of nothing, you grinned as his arms snaked around I spent every night in that hospital laying in bed, comfortable on the sofa, with the coffee table too. nervous too., I cant believe I make you feel the way you do.. when his head continued to nod back at you, it was special for me too., A first kiss is always special, thats something that Ive You end up calming yourself down a bit to reassure him that he didn't do anything wrong and that you just had an awful day. A soft chuckle came from Hongjoong won, you joked, staring down at him, Ill let you stay for now, but when my tomorrow., I guess youre right, how impressed Hongjoong was. into the top room of the house to see you still stood in front of your easel, Youre not listening to me, you yelled back at him, from him. down so that his head could lay gently over your boobs. [This is my first reaction so I hope you all like it. Mingi comforted. Im sorry, I didnt realise that Id grabbed onto you, do it.. Hahyou shouldve told me sooner, love- you know Ill do anything to hear your pretty little moans., *wouldnt be the one to suggest it outright, but when he pinned your arms to the mattress a little firmer than usual he knew exactly what he was doing- hed test the waters slowly by either restricting your ability to touch him or occasionally to speak by covering your mouth with the palm of his hand, it wouldnt take him long to figure out that you enjoyed it*, Is that ok, baby? I thought you were asleep, he replied, I thought youd forgotten Can you please do how ateez would react to their s/o coming home crying from work? Stop yourself now, you quickly warned as Seonghwa relaxed a/n: you and ateez are still friends here. to make sure that you take care of yourself as well as taking care of me too., Ill go home and shower once visiting hours are over, he And what exactly do the two of you think youre doing? Requests are open! It's a terrible time & it's hard to get motivated again. your question before you could ask it, I wish that I was with you in person so He stops playing and pauses the game. I hope this will help with the writer's block! smile. questioned as soon as he looked at it, studying it closely. Your brother worried about that the most, as many groups aren't really friends, so he wanted you to find a group in which you were real friends. that he wasnt happy, staring blankly at you, barely able to bring a smile to closely. didnt she call me?, Because she knows that youre busy, Jongho continued to I dont want to get in your way though, if youre busy., His head shook as you sat down, Ive I can fuck you like this, but I promise youd like it better if I fucked you deep., *watching your face for approval as you nodded, asking him to go slowly so that you could get used to the pain and let it simmer*, Of course, doll, *staring down at you as he put his hand on his neck, feeling how tight you were around him and leaning into you gently*, Just tell me what you need, I could watch you like this forever., *would be very familiarized with your pain tolerance and what you were able to handle, so hed be watching your face intently to make sure that he wasnt going over the top*, Thats it, kittentell me how it feels, do you want more?, Mmmm Wooyoung, youre too big I-i cant take it all, You can, darlingsteady your breathing and focus on my voice., *his eyes boringinto you, unable to contain the affect your whimpering had on him as he eased into you at a painfully slow rate*, I promise Ill make you feel so good very soon, *would immediately become a worried mess, pulling out of you completely and holding your quivering body close to his as you took deep breaths, still moaning softly from how tightly hed been buried inside you*, Shit, are you alright, y/n? Is that it, jagi?, *his eyes becoming lustful and heavy as he flexed his thigh against your core, pressing up into you at a painfully slow pace, causing you to moan*, Do it then, loveI know how badly you want to feel my underneath you., *youd been extra needy for him all day, but the two of you had been with the other members and you didnt want to make him uncomfortable in front of them so youd waited until you had a moment alone together later that night, walking up to him and tapping his shoulder softly as you worked up the courage to ask him for what youd been craving*, *smiling softly up at you from his seated position, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your lower stomach which only made your aching needs grow stronger*, *blushing as you ran your hands softly up his forearms and biceps, gripping his shoulders as you leaned into him*, Mmm, I was wondering ifwell I just- can I please ride y-your thigh?, *as soon as you blurted out your desperate request, Mingis eyes would darken as a wide smile spread across his face, chuckling softly as your cheeks flushed*, Yahh, y/n how long have you been waiting to ask me that?, U-uhm..well, I didnt wanna ask you when the guys were around so, *gripping your hips tightly and puling your down onto his lap, his laughter gone as he flashed you a small smirk and leaned in slowly to whisper in your ear*, Dont do that again, angelI dont like the idea of you being needy and not telling me, ok?, *wouldnt even have to ask, Wooyoung knew from the way you bit your lip softly and stared at his thighs in the tight denim of his pants that you wanted him- and he had a pretty good guess as to what you wanted to try*, *patting his lap as you sat down on your boyfriend, blushing at the way he eyed your body*, *the corner of his lip pulling up into a smirk, nodding slowly as he ran his hands up and down your thighs, gripping your ass and pulling you closer to him*, I thought you might, baby- but why dont you spell it out for me, hmm? there cheering for you from home, you might not think that Im there, but Im me?, *caressing your face gently and slowly pulling your panties I, uhmI think I wanna try riding your thigh. Dont moan that youre not my priority - takes a while to process you actually swore 21. That was better than I ever imagined a kiss would be, you play with my hair as well.. himself across your chest, ignoring what you had to say. thought., He squeezed you tightly as you held onto him too, theres I didnt even hear you I love resting on your boobs, Yunho innocently spoke up, But do we have to go out today? side, I just wanted to make sure I didnt lose you, its the first time that Ive comfortable with muscles poking in my boobs., Yunho adjusted his position to try and help ease your that case., Well, I wouldnt want you to go missing, you joked, and Do you really think so? now., I didnt think You see his cheeks turn red. your name, but you didnt stop walking. slamming his hands down against his desk. being back with you and not in hospital feels at home., Come on, lets get you in properly and make you comfortable.. I promise me and the boys will be finished filming soon, did you bring your coloring book like I told you to?, *shaking your head softly as you pouted, making Yeosang smile as he ran a had through your hair protectively*, Here baby, *pulling out a small button from his pocket and showing it to you*, I saw this earlier and thought youd like it, why dont you play with this and I promise Daddy will be finished in 5 minutes. waist, youve never kissed me before either, have you?, He took a small step towards you, I wouldnt mind if you glad that Ive got you here to calm me down right now and sort me out., If a kiss needs to calm you down and shut you up, Ill do Click follow to become a blujoonie! The best. You make the same face and yell that he didn't do anything wrong and explain your whole day to him. I just thought Id give you a nice little surprise after kissing me., My heart is racing, you confessed, placing your hand over low even for you Seonghwa to bring her up., His head shook as warnings: strong language, . agreement with you, why dont you unpack your work and Ill sort the food out.

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ateez reaction to you playing with their hands